Unlock your Leadership SuperPower

The Coaching Leaders Academy

Transform your Leadership capability.

Would you like to know you Coaching Leadership score?

Benchmark your sales performance with our Coaching Leadership Scorecard.

Answer 36 Rapid fire questions and receive your Personalised Professional Development Report.

Best of all, it’s free and takes just 10 minutes to complete!

In the fastest growing businesses the leadership team inspire higher performance, they’re more confident, capable and consistent. Their approach to client communication and meetings is completely different. You can learn how to do the same.

Focus4growth Academies have been designed to provide the three things that are key to high performance and your leadership success, the optimal Psychology, Skills and Systems.

Psychology underpins performance.

Understanding how our mind works to either empower us or undermine us, gives us greater control. When we’re acting by default, our mind doesn’t help us unlock our true potential. Positive psychology is used by the highest performers in every field, athletes, business leaders, high performance teams, millions more. We start with the principles of a growth mindset, once you direct your mind your performance follows. In leadership, we can use these principles to manage ourselves, and guide & coach our teams to transform their confidence too.

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The Right Skills, unlock the next level.

When you’re having leadership conversations, there are communication skills that are more influential and persuasive than others and they’re not always obvious. Through our accelerator we learn to develop and sharpen the right skills and how to take the ideal approach to team communication, so that we make the greatest impact every time. Too often leaders rely on giving direction and instructions, they problem is, the more they do this, the more reliant their teams become on direction from the leader. But there’s a much better way to manage leadership conversations, a way that creates independence in your team, not dependence on the leader. We develop the priority, high impact communication skills one at a time.

The System, gets consistent results.

Successful leaders and communicators use a structured approach. They know when to ask a question, when to summarise, when to inspire, and when to powerfully challenge & ask for commitment. Get the right stages of the coaching process in the right order and it begins to feel effortless for you and your team. Get it wrong and it feels clunky, disconnected, and awkward, for everyone involved. We use the COACH model, it’s a step by step, easy to apply guide to masterful conversations that work time and time again. It helps you stop ‘telling’ your team what to do, and start inspiring them to think, and act for themselves!

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Would you like to know you Coaching Leadership score?

Benchmark your sales performance with our Coaching Leadership Scorecard.

Answer 36 Rapid fire questions and receive your Personalised Professional Development Report.

Best of all, it’s free and takes just 10 minutes to complete!

So many leaders are previous high performers who have been promoted to a leadership position but not given the training to lead their organisations. Justin Leigh has been in this situation, more than once! It was through his own investment in leadership development that Justin made his transformation from high performer to award winning business leader. Now he’s helping other leaders to do the same.

The Accelerator and training content is based on the award-winning programs from Justin Leigh and Focus4growth. The principles and models are used by Focus4growth clients, market leading organisations, high performing leaders and teams.

Justin Leigh
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What's included...

Live Workshops

Our training content has been developed by leading experts and stems from our decades of experience working with thousands of business leaders and teams.

Designed with implementation in mind, so you can put it into practice easily and consistently. Multiple resources, surrounding you with the tools and support you need to go from theory to application rapidly.

Our Academies include Quarterly ‘In Person Workshops’ and monthly Live WebClasses designed around tried-and-tested modules and activities, delivered by Justin Leigh and our experienced Mentors & Coaches.

High-Performance Peer Group

Our Accelerator communities are made up of likeminded Business leaders who are committed to high performance and their own professional development.

This high-performance community is an essential element of maintaining accountability, motivation, commitment and drive throughout any Accelerator journey.

Clear Actions, every session

Immediately implement the strategies and actions that will help you in your Leadership role, so you can create a bigger impact for your organisation.

Our Accelerators are designed with creation and implementation in mind, and each session is crafted to get you moving in the right direction more quickly.

The COACH Toolkit

Use our COACH toolkit, it’s full of templates and canvases to easily create a blueprint for your Business Leadership role that you can revisit and rework as your best thinking evolves.

When you’re ready and you’ve filled in the toolkit, use the templates to help speed up your implementation of the accelerator content. You can develop assets and communication strategies to help your entire business team to improve, putting you at the heart of the organisation and it’s future success.

ELearning Portal

Gain a deeper understanding of all the key principles and strategies of our Academies anytime you want, as many times as you want, with our online learning system.

With hours of content available, our Portal will enable you to unpack your best thinking, set goals and track your progress, and download templates that you can use to create assets for your business.

Experienced Mentors & Coaches

Learn from experts in the field of business, leadership and growth. Not all businesses use a consistent coaching & communication system, those that do generate higher performance, faster results and better employee experiences. They’re more enjoyable places to work because they use a proven approach, and that gives everyone more confidence to grow.
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Start your journey now and benchmark your Leadership performance with our Coaching Leaders Scorecard.

Join a community of High-Performing Business Leaders who are inspiring their teams and transforming their businesses.

Start your journey now – benchmark your leadership performance with our Coaching Leaders Scorecard.

Register your interest in our next Coaching Leaders Academy – starting on the 22nd of July 2022

Waiting list now open.


£395 (+VAT)

Per Month
Sign up here

Don’t take our word for it, this is what our clients are saying….

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“Justin works with the Odeon Events Business Development team and the feedback from them has been outstanding. Their confidence, performance and results continue to grow. He has such vast business experience; I would recommend him to any Business Owner or leader looking to reach the next level of performance.”

Sian Jenkins

Head of Sales - Odeon Cinema (B2B)

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“Justin has all the very best traits you could hope to see in a leader and a coach. He is highly skilled in a variety of sales and strategic processes and is world class in team-building, leadership with passion and accountability to change. The work he does delivers outstanding results.”

Nav Kumar

Senior Commercial Manager at Europe Align Technology

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“Justin has a lot of experience in the field which makes him a ‘domain expert’ in Sales & Leadership. He talks from experience, not theory.

The greatest impact for me has been shortening the sales cycle, which delivers a much higher rate of growth.

You should be confident that you will have valuable conversations with Justin, it will help whether you end up working with him or not.”

Joseph Sursock

Senior Vice President at Course 5 Intelligence

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“At a time when we really needed to be thinking outside the box, Justin’s approach to remote selling provided a stimulating and progressive training course. We were focusing on digital selling but found that Justin’s training benefitted us all in many ways. He inspires positive thinking and more importantly a positive self-worth. My team all came out saying that he had challenged them to change the way they interact on a business and personal basis making them even more optimistic, focused and proactive. Focus4growth is certainly a training company that we will be using again. Thanks Justin. “

Sonia Tracey

Managing Director at W&H UK Ltd

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Justin Leigh